Original German WWII MP 40 Display Gun



Original Item: This excellent MP40 display gun is built from original parts and constructed into a totally legal non-firing BATF approved display Sub-Machine Gun. Now extremely hard to find are genuine MP 40 and other German WW2 MGs.

IMA has been very fortunate in finding an extremely limited supply of these highly sought after Original WW2 German MP 40 Display Guns that show the expected honest use that have been reconstructed using CNC cut Aluminum receivers to finish an original parts set. Offered with totally original bakelite stocs and functional extending butt stock, this is the real thing that will only appreciate in value as time passes.

All complete, simulated fixed aluminum bolt system gives the impression of an original unit and each is fitted with original push/pull safety bolt handle. Barrel internally (not visible) maintained and make a keystone item for any serious WW2 Collection.

We are down to fewer than five remaining, act now or miss them forever.

Markings do vary (manufacturer/date) but all are genuine German WWII.

One original MP 40 functional magazine included where permissible, in areas where prohibited we send only the magazine shell

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